All the latest apparatus are incorporated so as to elope the questioning minds to a world of scientific concepts in a clear sky. Experienced and smart teachers give individual attention to the starters and also boost up the confidence level in handling apparatus with care.


Colours, acid and odours is all that Chemistry speaks for us. But the Chemistry between the chemicals, staff and children are so enterprising that innovative minds trigger many queries and quench their knowledge thirst. Safety measures and precautions are instantly available with sufficient staff to attend. But “Prevention is better than cure: is our motto.


“Curiosity, Quest and hands on, minds, on: concept is closely linked with anxious minds where they are given a platform to explore, interpret and exhibit their hypothetical concepts. All latest amenities and apparatus are exclusively available to our children to ensure the flow of concept to its summit. Well trained teachers and lab attenders ensure extraordinary care and safety to every child.


Math is no more a terror. Children love their Math periods. Mathematical concepts are minds blowing and children learn these in a more practical environment.


The School has excellent computer labs. Our Students have unlimited access to computers with software tools.

Technology speaks a lot. But nothing can replace a teacher. We admire and apply technology to fulfil our journey in teaching. All classrooms are well equipped with a system and LED’s display. Teachers are well trained to operate these and also access network for additional support in impacting clarity in concept. Application oriented software are taught to children where they show wonderful skills on the computers at the end of every term through a Tech-Day” Parents visit their projects and interact with children. Our management has supplemented the classroom with various teaching software which is a boon to children and the tender minds.
