Leaders Vidyashram School - Correspondent Message

Dr. G. Karthikeyan



Welcome to a new school year at LEADERS VIDHYASHRAM SCHOOL of excellence. We commence this year with the promises to be filled with wonderful new beginnings and accomplishments.

Here at LEADERS school of excellence, we strongly believe that educational institutions should aim at producing global leaders- well educated minds who will be the "Movers of people"mobilizersof opinion"and "Menders of society". We ensure that their personal participation from each student in order to transform them in to confident,sociable respectable,caring,responsible and ethical individuals,who can faced tomorrow's dreadful challenges with the ability to adapt to a diverse and ever- changing society.

We have dedicated staffs who believe that "EDUCATION "is a blend of the entire gamut of excercise including academics,Sports and extracurricular activities such as karate,dance,drama,drawing and so on. Our team of teachers work hard towards proving a suitable environment conducive to learning and bringing out the talents of each child so that each student of LEADERS SCHOOL of excellence will be a bright star,lighting up tomorrow's skies.

Needless to say,It is the unconditional support and untiring efforts of the managing trustee Mrs. Shanthi Mohan,the committed service the principal & staff,and the continuous support abd encouragement, no to mention, undying faith of the parents which has made LEADERS SCHOOL of excellence a living breathing reality.

My prayers and good wishes to you all.